Monday, June 22, 2009

get a L.I.F.E!!!

get a life , will you people?
*i dont mean you over there... but its for you..yeah you over here....*

Obviously,you dont need milions to get a healthy and wonderful life..
*but if u do have milions...theres nothing more i can say :)*

Make the most of your life, so that you'll not regret it later... I mean, for crying out loud dont just forget that life is more than just work!!

I've gone throu 3 meeting in a row today...that the reasons why i've been a lil grumpy the whole can i not be? i just sat in those meeting without saying A WORD ,ok!! maybe i do understand what's goin on,but i was too tired to transfer all the informations straightly to my was just way tooo much..

or maybe its Monday = i like to call it Moodyday... i really cant focus if its monday :)

i was just back from Reutlingen yesterday..
  • Super Bowl in Reutlingen on Friday nite
  • done *a lil bit* shopping in Stuttgart on Saturday
  • kitchen crasher on Saturday nite...* Sorry guys..didnt meant to break ur only kitchen..lps ni dh xdtg dh reutlingen :( *

ok..gtg...need to get my life back ...yuhuuu....


Chybee said...

hey...dun b dat moody. at the end og da day aku dh feeling better. mahu date kt ym tonite? :)

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

orait babe...

crono_nz said...

nk date jgk~~ :p

Chybee said...

aik...xckp lg ker aku ks chance date kt stuttgart hr tu? lol