Thursday, May 7, 2009


i usually had different , wierd, illogical and i could say creative dreams each and everynight.. Normally yanie, hajare, ayue will be my victims to hear all my dreams..thanks to them,i can spit out and express my unconsious creativity effectively :p

but, there is a but

Designing, Programming, creative thinking and imagination are way too far from my conscious self,as far as i'm concern at least....

Creativity is usually referred to someone who is involved in performing or visual arts. This is how we most often think of it. However, it is totally wrong!! You probably did not realize creativity affects just about every part of our lives in some form.After finishing with my Twilight reading thingy,I came up with a thought that to be able to actively imagine things , to see and hear things in one's mind (edward cullen..hiks..) is an interesting and important ability one should have(one of my creative thought..haha..) It doesnt have to involve a lot of creativity though,does it?It is acceptable to surround yourselves with other people's thought.Hearing others thought can also stimulate our creativity,rite ?but creativity may not be creative if you are observing someone else or if you are using the same method and not generating different results...twist the fact and you might be on your way to your creative path :p

One of my recent job involves my creativity to shine...I've to create Database to the whole Department..It doesnt looks as cool as it sound,thou!! learning new software is one thing, to design the layout is another...I've to be creative in order to impress all those workoholic freak :p
I've started with designing the main layout..unfortunately, dead end..buruk n xpro langsung!!!! I've told you that i'm not creative!!! creativity can't be taught!! .. or maybe they can? I dont know..i dont know..and i dont wanna to think of it...Actually i believe that my creativity side is still deep inside me..i just have to patiently call them out :p Time is all i have now ..hiks..

No matter what part of your life you use your creative side for, it is important that you try different things (Bungee jumping,anyone?) in order to determine what inspires you. Everyone is different. What and how something affects you, may not be even close to how it makes the next person around you feel.

-dead end-


Unknown said...

tengok orang punya, then ubah. kira creative la tu, dalam mencilok idea haaa

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

thEre will always be someone or something that inspire you to think creatively..admit it!!
tengok orang punye and bukan ubah..but just think extraordinaryly different from ori..(one way of being creative i guess)

Chybee said...

jgn pk byk sgt. biar idea tu dtg sndri. mungkin dlm mimpi?

by da way lme xtafsir mimpi ko. pe lg...mimpi skali ks cite kt aku :p

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

we've to remember that people are born through the same way but with different strength.For people like me,kl xpk n tunggu idea dtg sendiri sampai ke tua la kan..haha..

fyi ak ari2 still mimpi2 lagi..smpai dah xingat dah mimpi2 ku itu :p

jack wolfskin said...

kuhl gila aufgabe ko, heh