Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sleeps may keep you thin -Studies

I was reading the Yahoo Health section today when i found this not so interesting article but really proof why i keep put on weight for the past 2 months ..
i barely eat unhealthy,oily or even 'fat' food...i could even say that i barely eat afterall..hiks..no larr.. breakfast and dinner..its more than enough for me.... sometimes cashew nuts in between( actually,I'm addicted to casshew nuts..)
Sleeping is the most relaxing activity that we've done all day...We need sleep to think clearly, react quickly, and create memories. We are not vampires ,who dont need sleep for the rest of their whole life..(again with indirect influence of twilight)..ok..ok.. no need to write such a long entry today.. just read the article below...
"AMSTERDAM (AFP) - The secret of staying thin could be at least partly down to a good night's rest, an international conference on obesity heard in Amsterdam on Thursday.
"After a bad night's sleep, people ate 550 calories (22 percent) more than normal," said the findings of a study by the European Centre of Taste Science in Dijon in central France, presented at the gathering. This represented about one large hamburger.
Feelings of hunger were higher among a test group who slept four hours the previous night than among those who slept eight hours, stated an extract of the findings.

"These results indicate that sleep deprivation increases food intake and... could be a factor promoting obesity,"
it added. "
i usually sleep at 12am and wake up around 530am.. (subuh abis awal kan) 5hours and 30 min sleep is not enough to make me slim ,i guess..lolness...
starting from tonight,i'll make sure i have my comfortable and deep early sleep to get slim..hiks.. Chaiyo!!chaiyo!! get rid of those pounds :)


Unknown said...

ahhh ini sudah bagus!

Chybee said...

ko ni mmg health freak la krun...hihi...

crono_nz said...

aik?? patutnye tido byk la makin bertambah lemak... huhuhu

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

@nesca : sudah lebeh dr bagus dah...but ko xperlu la kowts :)

@yanie : sangat ok...menjaga kesihatan babe....

@crono_nz : awak la gemuk tido banyak..saya tido banyak kurus :)

Anonymous said...

plus, tido itu indah. hehe... selamat tido awal kamoo~!!

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

indah sampai diriku ter overslept n lambat pegi keje :(

jack wolfskin said...

tipu aaa .....

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

pe yg tipunye?the part yg i didnt got slimmer ker? hiks..