Friday, June 5, 2009


gosh...i always do remember to check the weather ..but not this time...i forgot to check the weather for tomorrow until i received an email from the cycling trip organiser...guess what?? its rainning...rainning and isnt gonna stop for the whole weekend...
However the trip is still on,babes..what an adventure..cycling in the mountain plus the heavy rain!! ahaks...

I must finish all my work before 1600..i ñeed to go for my only rain jacket hunting..weee~~

wish me luck ..


Aziah said...

kat sini panasss~~
i even thinking bout cutting my hair super short...

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

kat sini panas juge...dah la bilik kipas pon xde ok....

aziah...dont!!! jgn ptg rambut!! biar kan panjang jerrr....