Saturday, November 21, 2009

thank you awak..thank you halalibo!! ;)

i've received a DHL packet a few days ago.. i wonder what could it be...[ it is because too much online shopping for this week..dunno which or which delivered ;)]

i am craving for marshmallows since i saw Hajar's facebook pictures with those tiny sweet little thing ;( But i cant just buy them here...God forbid!! it contains animal gelatin,moreover it most probably from PIG...ewwwwwwww... and i totally forgot to add marshmallows in the list,when my father asked me what kind of stuff that i want him to post.. adeke cakap nak serunding,kerisik... mcm makcik2

But then, i found this particular website that sells only halal food and guess what? lol..
for sure marshmallows are one of them :) i've already promote this website to all my YM Messenger friends... but it seems that they just ignore me...not so interested on buying marshmallows ,i guess.. ignore them!!! humph.. as long as i get my monthly dosage of sweets!!! tq awak ..... sj nk bg sy gemok kan.. beli banyak!! i loike!!

Sorry for the quality of the picture..xde


crono_nz said...

yummy yummy da lame x mkn marshmallow.. nk sket?

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

xboleh....dh bagi..xleh amik balik!!

crono_nz said...

nk jgk nk jgk! nk marshmallow cicah coklat..

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

aah la..cicah coklat...nak coklat

crono_nz said...

dpt mkn marshmallow cicah coklat br bole dpt coklat! :p