Sunday, May 3, 2009

table for three?

Weekend almost over again...... one post per week..haha.. i`ve told you i`m not into this blogging thingy rite...but still, i`ll take a lil of my precious time to write this post..... :p

Last Thursday i `ponteng' kerja..haha... it took me a lot of courage to send a sms to my boss..i`ve told him that i was sick, but i am not...(i lied..). Hopefully he didn`t google my name and find out about diz blog of mine :p

The day before he asked me whether i am feeling unwell ..maybe because of my so called `sick of work' face appeared so visible... I guess this is my chance to 'ponteng' kerja after all..huhu.....

On the same Thursday afternoon i took ICE straight to Stuttgart...When i crossed Germany` boarder suddenly a `balik kampung' feeling spread in my tummy..huhu...i dont know why i've those kind of feeling..weird thou... Anyway, i met Hajar there and we go for a lil swimmng suit shopping while waiting for yanie... haja and i were planning to have our grillen party at yanie`s on friday... Unfortunately haja cant make it bcoz of some reasons that i cant actually understand!!! cit ..haja..i've came all the way shud have considered me thou!!!! :p

But,Friday`s grillen was a big sucsess!! or shud i said Friday and Saturday Grill Party!! haahaha..
we bought those food for 5-6 people actually..but haja,fira n fariza couldnt make,it is our responsibility to finish up those food..Eventhou there were only the three of us ,we ate like monster ....3 kilos of meats,nasi minyak,puding roti,kuah kacang..bla..bla.. habis licin!!! mcm xmakan sethn!!! seriously, i've never ate that much in many grillen Party I've attend so far!!

Then on Saturday early in the morning about 6 am...we started again with our grill ceremony..haha.. again!! the earliest grillen Party i've ever been to..After this early grillen breakfast..we went to Stuttgart for a lil fresh air after a long day menghirup asap2 grill..actually there is also Grillen Party in Konstanz that i have to go..i`m very sorry but stuttgart and konstanz is just a liltle to far to go back and forth..and i just want to lazing around on,i went straight back to Zürich the very same evening.....

HOpe there will be more exciting and fun grill party in the next few month!! and make sure haja`ll not miss it!!!


Chybee said...

at last new post from u :)
it was nice having u ere wif me...alone again is so damn boring!

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

haha...malas dowh nk tulis....alone? bkn today u've already got plan kan... hav fun kayh!!!

jack wolfskin said...

nk ponteng pon takut.
aku da dua kali ponteng, call aje boss aku. kata ich bin krank. hahaha

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

watpe ak nak call boss ko kalo ak sakit? haha..

Chybee said...

ahaha..aku pon pk cm ko gak krun. asl ko nk kol boss dye? lol
ayob klaka

Nisa Kamaruddin said...

tu la..ak wonder gak..boss ayob tu boss ak jugak ker? kl cmtu ayob,kl ko sakit ko kene call boss aku la pulak kan... huhu

fira said...

3 kilos of everything...gile pelahap korg nih...btulla susah nak mintak cuti...kalau nak mintak cuti secare direct mesti tak leh bertentang mate, nant kantoi...baik sms je pg esok..

crono_nz said...

bestnye mkn lmk kambing...yummy..